Own factory
Because we have had production in Guangzhou, China, since 2013, Proprint A/S has made a direct connection between low prices and high quality. We skip the expensive middleman so you can get electronic components in the highest quality but at the lowest prices.
Buffer storage
At Proprint A/S we offer to store your goods until you need them. It is an advantage for you if you do not have the storage space, and it goes without saying that payment is only due when you receive the item. Having a buffer storage with us specifically means that you save money as the goods are ordered in larger quantities. This service also allows you to receive the requested item in a few days instead of having to wait longer for shipment.
We make sure that your goods are delivered to you as soon as possible. In fact, we can supply prototypes and samples from two working days. To ensure that your goods reach you on time and in good condition we only use reputable logistic companies. Our shipments, which are to remain in the Far East, are handled by our logistics center in Hong Kong while our deliveries to Europe are distributed via our own warehouse in Horsens. Here, regular samples of the goods are taken, and this means that you are ensured to receive quality products.
We guarantee that our products are produced in the highest quality which means that you can expect to receive the best electronic components. Our production portfolio is of course certified within quality standards, and our materials are purchased from ISO 9000, TS16949 and ISO 14001 approved suppliers. These suppliers are also approved according to UL.